Launch of the TELLaSTORY project
In October 2020, the almost three-year project TELLaSTORY: Storytelling as a basis for inspiring teaching and effective learning, has started. The aim of this project is to create the conditions and the actual implementation of the comprehensive TELLaSTORY programme (based on the Story Seekers® model) in primary schools. In this program, storytelling is incorporated into the curriculum in a way that is both effective and engaging for students.
Kick-off meeting
The necessary kick-off meeting of the project consortium took place on November 5 and 24, 2020. Unfortunately, like most other meetings, it could not take place in person, but only online. The introductions of the partners, the Story Seekers® model and the partners’ experiences with the integration of storytelling into the curriculum in their countries were explained at the first meeting. The second online meeting of the project partners focused on the detailed division of labour in the first year and the financial aspect of the project.
The project consortium consists of representatives from Poland, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic. The project is funded by the ERASMUS+ KA2 Cooperation on Innovation and Exchange of Best Practices programme, which supports international cooperation in the field of education, training, and youth.