Train the Trainer Course in Prague
From 28th November to 2nd December a Storytelling training for teachers and trainers took place in Prague within the Erasmus+ TELLaSTORY project, in which we cooperate with the J. Guth-Jarkovský Primary School and other organizations from Poland and Slovenia.
During an intensive week full of practical exercises, we were all introduced to the Storytelling method, which uses storytelling to help students and teachers to teach in a way that makes school lessons inspiring and more memorable. The first part of the week was devoted to the method itself, how to construct and tell stories correctly using different tools. The second part of the week looked at the application in the classroom and how to pass on this knowledge to fellow teachers.
According to the feedback, the participants are ready to start using their newly acquired knowledge in practice and the feedback they received during the training was also very valuable for their further development.